Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Waiters or Helicopters?

Did you ever walk out of a restaurant feeling that something wasn't right? You know, a dark feeling, creeping behind your head as you walk out that door? You worry that someone might talk to you unnecessarily. Someone might stalk you! Someone just god damn might kidnap you!!!

If you had that sorta feeling, it was probably your waiter.

I went to a restaurant tonight with my family. You know the drill. The waiter sits us down, asks us if we'll have anything to drink first, and offers us some appetizers... That's normal. I don't mind them being excessively friendly at this point, because first impression is an important thing, and a good one gets them a good tip.

Well, while he was jotting down our order after bringing the drinks out, apparently he was multitasking- writing and eavesdropping - and decided to stop my mother from saying her order and speak with me and my older sister. I'm not going to say what we were talking about. It's private.

So this guy rudely jumps in and I'm a little ticked off but we put on that fake smile and just let it go. He leaves the table with the order and everyone's face is like "WTF---"

So he comes back with the food...
He doesn't go. Literally, he stood there about a good fifteen seconds until I asked him "What the FUCK do you WANT!?!?!"


Well, I did ask him in a more polite way than written above. He responded with these exact words: "I just wanted to check if everything was alright :)"

What the fuck are we? Some farm animals? If you want to know if anything's wrong, you ask the god damn person, and not stand there and watch the table I'm eating on as if it was a zoo!

I say thanks, and he says okay and walk away.

He came back. Five minutes later. He left. He came back. Five minutes. He came, left, back, five minutes.

At this point, which is past the emotion of rage, I'm wondering: 'Doesn't this guy have anything else to do?' He just kept coming back and asking how things were! I really wanted to tell him to leave us alone, but he just had that... smile! Brilliant, grade-A waiter smile that inhibited people from being bitter.

However, no matter the experience, being good people, we left him a good (it could have been 'great') tip. Although I can remember the number of times the waiter came to the table and not the taste of the food, he was a good guy. No doubt. It's hard to find people like that.

But leave the customers the fuck alllooooonnnneee!!! We go to EAT and SOCIALIZE at a restaurant, not be babysat.

It's just too painful swallowing the food when they are hovering over you like a helicopter.

Monday, August 10, 2009

When is the final for Final Destination?

I cannot believe that they are making another Final Destination! Didn't they have enough of this crap?

This movie, or should I say 'these movies', start out with the main character foreseeing a disastrous event where a lot of people die. He/She freaks the hell out, escapes the spot with a bunch of people who are either scared of what the main character says or concerned of the main character's mental meltdown.

Then BAM. Mr. Death strikes the scene.

Everyone dies except the main character and the select few who have escaped with him/her.

But Death is a hard-working employee of hell, and he dawns to finish job, one by one.

People who have escaped gets killed one at a time due to supernatural events. Main characters and his/her friends tries to figure out what's going on and stop it, but in the end, every damn character in the movie dies.

That's how it was with the last three. The only difference that occurs between these movies one after another is the way the people die. They tend to make the deaths shocking and gruesome in order to attract audience.

In other words, sequels for a certain movie isn't fun when they all have the same plot line. There's a limit to getting creative with killing multiple people in one movie.

Stop making Final Destinations!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Really? Alcohol Education?

So pretty much all students who are entering college for this fall term had to do this alcohol education thing, am I right? I mean, we've got no choice here. Either we do it, or we can't go to school! What a good waste of a perfectly fine time.

Come on! By the time people graduate from highschool, they know what alcohol is going to do to them and their lives. Even though the legal age to drink alcohol in the United States is 21, it's not too hard to get hands on some liquor. So if an "innocent" students really wanted to experiment with alcohol, they won't have any trouble in doing so.

There's no point in telling people that drinking is bad for them. It's like saying people shouldn't use public transportation because there is a chance of disaster. People who are afraid of riding on planes will by all means avoid using them and attempt to ride trains or buses; same thing for the alcohol. People who wouldn't drink won't drink, and people who would drink will drink. The only fucking way a person would stop drinking is if Jessica Alba or Meagan Fox/Brad Pitt or George Clooney like person walks up to them and tells them "I like a man/woman that doesn't drink." Or, when they have the worst experience of their lives by getting drunk. And the funny thing is that some people would still drink after being T-Bagged and buttfucked by men in their mid 40s.

Conclusively, if they don't bring bottles of vodka (sake/soju for the Asians) to our doorsteps and pour it down our throat, setting our livers on fire, and buttfuck us while we are blacked out due to the impairment of the hippocampus (part of the brain that makes new memories), it won't really change our opinions about alcohol.

So fuck you alcohol education.

Stupid Youtubers

I understand that anyone can make videos these days and post it up on YouTube, the largest and the most active video sharing community on the internet, but I just can't help but notice all the butt-fugly boring videos that these so called "youtubers" upload.

The worst part of these videos is that the people who put it up believe that it is the most awesome/hilarious thing that's to ever exist. And the thing about these damn losers, they try to advertise or publicize their stupid-ass videos by commenting on other users' videos (the good ones). They would write something like, "Wow, this video is funny. Check out my video." I see this and I'm like WHAT THE FUCK!?!!! Really? I mean, goodness, you people can at least try! You know, maybe make the comment seem a bit more authentic instead of making yourself look like a lazy, desperate, attention-hungry, ass-kissing dumbass who's only purpose is to get some views on their videos.

It's as if they believe that good videos just "happen". I will admit that some great videos are in fact some sort of home video or a recording of a certain incident (stupid accidents), but that's not how they should do things. The popular videos that these people taint with their shallow cry for views are, believe it or not, planned, written, talent charmed.

So, you people who fall into this category, listen up. If you do not have the effort to make a nice video, do everyone's brains a favor and go get a job, or a life for that matter. My personal belief is that talent is what you make it. Therefore, if you do not feel guilty about retarding people's minds, you shouldn't be making videos, kapeesh?

Example for a pointless, time-wasting fatfuck: